Sunday, 17 February 2013


Having never had a normal Monday to Friday job before, the weekends are still a big novelty to me! Saturday's are usually spent getting ready for a night out but as I'm having a rest this weekend I went to the gym instead. I get so annoyed with myself if I don't go to the gym for a while but as I haven't been settled in one place for quite a few years I've always been a bit off and on with it. For half a year I'm really passionate about going and get really obsessed with running or Pilates classes and then I'll move into a new house that's a bit too far away from the gym for my liking and won't go anywhere near it for a good half a year! 

Well I knew it was time to get back into it when I started fidgeting far too much so off I went and had a 'taster session'. I chose a step class, assured the teacher I had been to several before and then off we went. Well I don't know what happened in that hour to be honest. I didn't have a clue what she was yelling at me, I floundered like a limp fish and failed miserably to get a single step right. At one point the teacher actually asked me if I was 'free-styling' to put it politely. Half an hour in I went to get a drink of water...and never returned. That's right, I bolted! I ran as fast as I could and never looked back. One of the men that had been in the class spotted me by the exit later on and told me I should give it time and keep practicing  I asked him how long he'd been going, TEN YEARS he said! If I'd been going to a step class for ten years I'd expect to know those steps back to front and inside out!

So with a Saturday as hectic as that I let Sunday do its thing i.e. ate some fig rolls and walked the dog.

As I spend five out of seven days looking like a runway model (pff!) the weekend is make up free so I woke up looking like the above ^ and stayed that way.

I found my dog Roxy asleep in a sun patch but she soon woke up when I told her I was taking her on the walk of her life.

And off we went. 
Roxy is the most sociable thing in the world when it comes to human beings to the point where she actually flirts but is worryingly aggressive when it comes to other dogs, she's tiny but I can assure you her size does not get in her way. We crossed two westies, a bulldog, a labrador and a pug in a pink jumper and she tried to take them all on. She literally just doesn't care! She's the ultimate side kick.

My lovely walking outfit consisted of some pretty muddy 'River Island' skinny jeans, a 'H&M' waterproof coat and some walking boots that have accompanied me on every school trip going where my mum feared there'd be a single splash of mud.

I took her to our village hall and it was so busy! Dog walking must be what everyone does on a Sunday and I've been so out of the loop! Well not anymore, Sunday is officially 'dog walking day'. I thought she might back down a bit once she saw just how many other dogs were on her turf but no, if anything it made her even more determined to fight the competition, even the ducks! 



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